The Art of Crafting A Better Theory: Insights, Logic, and Miscellaneous Nonsense

Welcome to our blog, a place where information flows like a parched riverbed in the scorching desert. Join us on a captivating journey through the arid expanse of knowledge as we delve into the depths of various topics with an unyielding thirst for understanding. With each meticulously crafted entry, we offer a unique blend of crisp analysis, unwavering logic, and a dash of subtle humor, creating an oasis of insightful content amidst the vast digital wilderness. Brace yourself for a thought-provoking expedition as our blog becomes your trusty guide through the barren terrain of intellectual curiosity.

one grand gesture
perspectives Nathan Elson perspectives Nathan Elson

one grand gesture

One of the most underused and undervalued tools in a leader's toolkit is the element of surprise. It is fun, really; you can lie in wait in your office with the lights out, and when someone walks in, yell, "BOO!" All kidding aside, the idea of surprise can often be used not just as a culture builder but as a robust tool for building unique and effective relationships inside and outside your organization.

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ten futile workplace clichés
perspectives Nathan Elson perspectives Nathan Elson

ten futile workplace clichés

Because, you know, clichés exist for a reason - they, after all, are based in truth (or at the very least describe reality). If that is the case, then why do so many writers/bloggers/pundits out there do so much to speak out against the use of clichés (simply do a search for the word cliché, and you will see as many posts about avoiding them as anything else)?

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the joy of zero
perspectives Nathan Elson perspectives Nathan Elson

the joy of zero

That is not to say that I have never been there before (well, I do not mean to brag, but it is a regular thing for me). It has taken me years to perfect this method (see my post on how I get things done). So the method that I have produced is very simple and very compelling. In fact, I can guarantee that my method will work for anybody.

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decision parallax
perspectives Nathan Elson perspectives Nathan Elson

decision parallax

As a matter of course, everyone, every day, is faced with a series of decisions. A constant onslaught of decision points interweaves the fabric of our lives. It starts at the first dawn of consciousness and ends with its last flicker. The very moment we experience lucidity is the very moment we have to make a decision.

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getting things done
perspectives Nathan Elson perspectives Nathan Elson

getting things done

I have been on a never-ending quest to be more personally productive. From using note capture services to pen-to-digital tools to creating my own format for daily notes to using Obsidian, I am constantly tinkering with things.

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