Introducing A Better Process
First, start with the assumption that for every problem an organization could face, there is no singular best way to solve that problem. In other words, what works for one organization may not work for another (no matter how similar those organizations may be). From there, we can assume two other things: that all organizational problems have a solution and that it is possible to find the right solution for your organization.
This may sound like a truism. But it is important. Why? Simply put, many business leaders do not think this way.
But First, A Framework.
The entirety of A Better Process hinges on a framework that has one simple maxim: being realistic about where an organization is illuminates both its healthy and unhealthy limitations. This allows for the simplification of what that organization does, which allows it to focus on the things that truly matter. It also opens the door to removing friction, motivating the organization to move faster and freer toward its goals. This framework is called More From Less.
The Process
The entirety of A Better Process hinges on a framework that has one simple maxim: being realistic about where an organization is illuminates both its healthy and unhealthy limitations. This allows for the simplification of what that organization does, which allows it to focus on the things that truly matter. It also opens the door to removing friction, motivating the organization to move faster and freer toward its goals. This framework is called More From Less.
Frame the Need
Our process begins with a 360-degree feedback assessment. This assessment is designed to illuminate your organization's internal attitudes, ideas, and friction points around the problem you are trying to solve. At its most effective, this assessment should be taken by multiple team members. Once the assessment is completed, we apply theory-based analysis to develop our report - the results of which frame your problem to be solved.
Focus on Core Questions
Once our assessment properly frames your problem, the attention shifts to figuring out what to do with what has been learned. In this part of the process, we look at the gaps in understanding, what is already known within your organization, and general best practices to develop a set of questions that everyone involved needs to answer.
Explore Potential Solutions
This next step is the bread & butter of our process. Once the problem is framed and the questions are answered, we focus on research. We will uncover how others have solved problems like yours, what experts do, and what is likely to have your desired outcomes.
Understand the Path Forward
The process's simplest yet most important phase: we assist you in reviewing, evaluating, and choosing the right solution for your organization. While there may be an overall Ideal solution, our goal is to find the best solution for you.
Deploy the Solution
No explanation is necessary. The final step of our process is for you to deploy the solution. If we are a good fit to help, we would love to, otherwise, we will help you find the right help.